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Features to consider in a Web Hosting package

Features to consider in a Web Hosting package

Web Hosting Providers and packages

Things to consider when researching Web Host providers and Web Hosting packages

To allow people to view (download) your website content on the internet, you need a Web Hosting provider, also known as a Hosting company, to store and display or store and run each website file that makes up your website content. A website file can usually be an HTML file, CSS file, PHP file, JavaScript file, image file, audio/video file, and so on.

Although a single HTML file, for example, is known as a web page, so is a single PHP file, collectively a group of website files (e.g. one HTML file, one CSS file, and one image file) is also known as a web page....usually by the general public.

What Is A Website?

Behind the scenes, a website is just a folder on a web hosting provider's computer (server) that is named after your domain name (for example websitecreationhelp.com). within that domain name folder (also known as the root folder of your webspace) there will be a sub-folder called public_html. The contents of the public_html sub-folder are what the general public will see through their web browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer), with your permission of course.

This is because even if your domain name points to (connects to) the root folder of your webspace, that is, the folder named after your domain name (for example websitecreationhelp.com), a web browser and more specifically a website address can only point to (view content from) the public_html sub-folder... under normal circumstances. In other words, typing your domain name into Internet Explorer will redirect you to the content (e.g. the main web page) that is inside the public_html sub-folder. You will not see the contents of the root folder of the webspace.

Which Web Hosting provider to choose?

You will know which web hosting provider to use after seeing the prices of their Web Hosting packages and the features that come with it (e.g. PHP scripts and MySQL databases). A web hosting provider has two main tasks to perform.

The first task is to maintain your Web space (main folder), which contains the files of a particular web hosting system and also your public_html sub-folder, so that the content of your public_html website can be seen by everyone on the internet 24/7... with your permission, of course. This task also includes maintaining their own computers (servers) and making sure your website content is safe and secure.

The second task is to maintain your Control Panel (set of tools) included in the web hosting package, so you can create MySQL databases, E-Mail accounts, and so on (depending on the features of the web hosting package).

Shop carefully-avoid the "freebies"

When looking for a Web Hosting provider to host (display) your website on the internet, and more importantly when looking at the features in their Web Hosting plans, it is advisable to shop carefully. The old adage "If it's too good to be true, then chances are it's not" should be on your mind.

Don't be fooled by sales talk about features like "unlimited Bandwidth", "unlimited Web space", "thousands of Free Templates" and "Website builders" because they tend to be marketing gimmicks. A company doesn't give something away for free unless they take it from somewhere else and/or someone else. For example, a "free Template" that is used by everyone (so your website is not unique/to your liking). A" Website Builder " that ostensibly does everything for you (so you get a useless/limited control Panel).

Many "free Website Hosting" plans do not allow you to create MySQL databases or use PHP scripts, for example. Other plans host (display) your website content "for free" on the condition that your web pages contain advertisements of their choosing. Some limit Control Panel features, Bandwidth, and so on. This is usually done by hosting companies that advertise "free Website builders" and "free templates".

In other words, they give you software that builds and publishes your website, aimed at Absolute Beginners, without you realizing that you should have gotten a better control panel, for example. There are many free, and very affordable, templates and tools on the internet that can also build a website in minutes. So don't pay for something like a Website Builder just for the sake of a limited control panel.

Affordable - With Basic Features

A good Web Hosting plan should be affordable, but not "free", and certainly not "cheap and disappointing". Most importantly, the package should meet your basic needs. Consider spending £5 to £10 per month on a standard web hosting plan. This should cover the basics you need. Ask yourself the following questions:

Do I need 10, 20, 40, or 80+ email addresses?

Am I going to need a Forum (question & answer Board), Blog (daily articles), guestbook, and/or Media Gallery (Audio/Video) which may require a MySQL Database and/or PHP scripts. One of the things to keep in mind here is that these features can be time consuming to build and may require time management on an ongoing basis.

How much Website space do I need?... for my Web pages (HTML files - text, images, Audio, and Video), forums, blogs, guestbooks, and so on.

How many website visitors do I expect each month? The more visitors you get, the more Bandwidth (download units) you need.

Below I have explained the main features in a standard Web Hosting plan, so that you can answer the questions above and give you a better idea of the features you should be looking to use. At the end of each description, I list the standards you should look for when paying £5 to £10 per month. These standards are based on quality web hosting providers (see quality below).

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