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What You Should Do About Insurance Following a Divorce: When to Self-Insure

What You Should Do About Insurance Following a Divorce When to Self-Insure

Going through a divorce is a challenging experience that often involves navigating various financial and legal matters. One crucial aspect that individuals need to address post-divorce is insurance coverage. This article will guide you through the considerations and decisions you should make regarding insurance following a divorce, with a focus on the concept of self-insurance.

Assess Your Current Insurance Coverage:

Start by evaluating your existing insurance policies, including health, auto, home, and life insurance. Understand the coverage each policy provides and whether any changes are necessary based on your new circumstances.

Health Insurance Transition:

After a divorce, you may no longer be covered under your ex-spouse's health insurance plan. Explore your options, such as obtaining coverage through your employer, enrolling in a government-sponsored program, or purchasing an individual policy. Consider factors like cost, coverage, and any pre-existing conditions.

Auto and Home Insurance Adjustments:

If you shared auto and home insurance policies with your ex-spouse, it's time to make adjustments. Update your policies to reflect changes in ownership and occupancy. Shop around for competitive rates and ensure you have adequate coverage for your new living situation.

Life Insurance Reassessment:

Reevaluate your life insurance needs post-divorce, especially if you had a policy that named your ex-spouse as the beneficiary. Consider updating beneficiaries, coverage amounts, and the type of policy to align with your current financial situation and responsibilities.

When to Self-Insure:

Self-insurance is the concept of relying on personal savings or assets instead of purchasing insurance. Assess your financial situation and determine if you can afford to self-insure in certain areas. For example, if you have substantial savings and a reliable income, you may choose to self-insure for minor health expenses or smaller property damages.

Emergency Fund Importance:

Building and maintaining an emergency fund is crucial when considering self-insurance. An adequate emergency fund can serve as a financial safety net, covering unexpected expenses without the need for insurance. Aim to have three to six months' worth of living expenses saved.

Balancing Risk and Cost:

The decision to self-insure involves balancing the potential risks and the cost of insurance premiums. Evaluate the likelihood of certain events occurring and weigh that against the expense of insurance coverage. In some cases, the cost of insurance may outweigh the potential financial loss.

Consulting with a Financial Advisor:

Seeking advice from a financial advisor can provide valuable insights into your specific situation. A professional can help you analyze your insurance needs, assess your risk tolerance, and create a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your post-divorce circumstances.


In conclusion, managing insurance following a divorce requires careful consideration and proactive decision-making. Assessing your insurance coverage, understanding your options, and exploring the concept of self-insurance are essential steps in securing your financial well-being post-divorce. By taking these steps, you can make informed choices that align with your current life situation and provide a solid foundation for your financial future.

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