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The best education insurance you should know!

The best education insurance you should know!

Education insurance is a service product in the form of an offer that will guarantee education in the future. Usually, this insurance is addressed to parents to facilitate the educational needs of their children. This is because every year the cost of education is increasing.

In Indonesia, the cost of education in 2030 is expected to reach 915 million for the college level. Well, for that education insurance is one of the important things that need to be prepared early.

In this case, you also need to be smart in choosing education insurance. If you are more focused on the value of the education fund, you should choose a pure or dual-function type of insurance. This is because there is no such risk as unit link insurance.

For Whizparents who are still confused about choosing child education insurance, Whizmin will provide tips on choosing child education insurance, types of child education insurance, and the best child education insurance. Come on, see the explanation below!

Tips For Choosing Child Education Insurance

Choosing a child's education insurance is not an easy process. All decisions must be well considered. For that, here are tips on choosing child education insurance.

1. Think about the funds that can be set aside

You should be able to figure out how much money you should set aside for your child's education expenses. If you don't think about it well, then be careful about your financial condition the next day.

Don't let this go by unnoticed or even thought about. For example, you can only set aside IDR 300,000 per month for insurance costs, so make sure you don't choose insurance products whose premiums exceed your budget. Of course you don't want your monthly needs to go unfulfilled, right?

2. Start Saving Early

The bottom line is that if the funds you are thinking about are still lacking, you should start saving from the very beginning of the wedding. Saving early will make you better prepared for future needs and emergency funds. Including the cost of Education.

3. Be wise in managing expenses

Estimate some other expenses that may affect the cost of a child's education. This way, you can better manage your financial condition. And you can also save more in managing your expenses.

4. Set Goals When Choosing Insurance

To choose education insurance, you can first determine your goals. Instead, adjust your goals with the insurance you choose, so that all your needs can also be met with the insurance.

5. Choose Clear Credibility

Make sure the education insurance you choose is safe and trustworthy. Before choosing education insurance, you should first find out the type of insurance by checking its credibility.

The Best Types Of Education Insurance

After knowing tips on choosing education insurance, it is time you get to know some of the best types of education insurance. In general, there are two types of insurance that are known to some people, namely unit-linked and dual-function insurance. However, there are also insurance products from Islamic institutions. Come on, let's see.

Unit Link Insurance

Unit link insurance is a type of insurance protection that has similarities to the way investments work. In another sense, there are benefits or profits that can be taken along with the payment of tuition fees. However, there is no guarantee that you will always benefit from the chosen insurance.

Insurance Doubles

This type of insurance is a combination of a guaranteed system of education as well as savings. So, the premium paid can be made during the term in accordance with the agreement that has been established from the beginning. In this way, when the time of disbursement arrives, the amount obtained can be quite high.

Sharia Insurance

Actually, Sharia insurance is the same as everything else. However, the form of transactions and agreements between the institution and the customer is carried out in accordance with the principles of Islamic Sharia.

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