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Does your Web Hosting provider tell you everything about their Web Hosting Plans and servers?

Does your Web Hosting provider tell you everything about their Web Hosting Plans and servers

Last week, I was doing some research on CPanel tools when that research got me interested in the size of each installed tool and whether its installation size was justified in terms of what their tools do.

Then, my attention turned to a software called eAccelerator, Guest Posting, which is not part of the CPanel tool but is server-side software (web hosting provider), because it was taking up too much web space on my NetHosted web hosting plan.

eAccelerator-too much Web space

eAccelerator itself is very small. The task is to speed up the execution of PHP scripts, among other things, by saving them in a compiled state (ready to run); which for me is fine, but not at the expense of 160MB of web space.

I have 250MB of web space and with 160MB of cache and eAccelerator files, leaving only 90MB for my own website content. Of course I removed eAccelerator, and I suggest you do the same if you don't use PHP scripts so much.

The thing to note here is that I am currently using a Krystal Hosting web hosting plan that does not have eAccelerator installed on it, but has the content of my website creation assistance website in its web space, where it is as fast as a NetHosted server with eAccelerator installed on it. The Server also has website creation assistance website content in its web space. Anyway, continuing my research;

Ask a question-Talk To The Wall

Then I decided to ask NetHosted how many websites (web hosting accounts/web spaces) they installed on each of their servers. I can't remember what made me think of this question, but there must be something that makes me feel like they are wasting web space by installing eAccelerator in my web space.

I feel a web hosting provider should, at least so far, mention exactly what is installed in your web space before ordering/buying and/or consulting with the client first. In this case, installing eAccelerator would probably benefit me (as it would provide faster execution of blog pages, etc) and also help with their server overhead (by using fewer resources, for example), but that's only if I'm going to install/use PHP scripts and the like intensively (e.g. have a lot of blog pages and forums, etc).

As you will see at the beginning of the post on the NetHosted community forum, I started with a simple question, or at least what I thought would be a simple question, only to find


I understand that each server's resources (e.g., memory, CPU, and hard disk usage) must be taken care of by distributing websites (web hosting accounts/web space) evenly across their servers because one server may not have enough hard disk space, for example, to accommodate a very large website. However, this does not change the fact that a number of small websites can comfortably reside on one server, using only the resources of one such server. Therefore, they could have stated:

"We have 6 websites on server 1 with the sixth website using server 1 only for the main content of its website. Its additional domain space must be placed on server 23."

Anyway, to make sure that my question is not misinterpreted, I reformulated my question:

Question #2

What is the average minimum number of websites you currently have on a single server? 20 websites? 50 websites? 200 websites? 500 websites? Surely you can give a number, maybe within a certain range.

Answer #2

You are asking for a range that does not exist! Each server is different and the number of sites it can run also varies. Unfortunately, there is no meaningful numerical answer to your question!

Thank you,

Now I'm getting information! Although the number of websites hosted on each server varies, there is definitely a minimum number.... isn't it? All servers, which are basically just computers with hard disks, must have at least X number of websites hosted on them. Imagine if you bought a server and the seller said:

"It costs £1,000, but the only note is that I do not know the minimum number of websites that can fit on it."

Realistically, the seller will say:

"£1.000. How cheap! You can store a number of basic plans (web hosting accounts/web space) on it and a number of premium plans, but even if you mix those plans, you can still get x amount on this server."And that's the point of my statement! However, now I feel as if I am being kept at a distance and decided to change the approach.

Question #3

Did you tell me that you can't tell me now that; yes!, we must have 20 websites running on each server or Yes, we must have 50 websites running on each server? I felt it was impossible.

If I had a large house with many rooms of various sizes in it, I could tell you how many people there are in a particular room at any given time, regardless of whether someone brings 10 guests in the room while someone else only brings 1 guest.

If I have boxes of various sizes where some boxes can hold 10 items while others can only hold 2 items, I can still tell you that each box has at least 1 item in it.

However, in the context of servers, I understand that each server can have a varying number of websites. There is no meaningful numerical answer to your question. Each server has a different capacity and can handle a diverse number of websites.

I hope this explanation can help. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them. Thank you.

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