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Best Cheap Web Hosting Reviews

Best Cheap Web Hosting Reviews

Web hosting is the business practice of providing space and bandwidth on high-powered computer servers connected to the Internet at very high speeds. Hosting companies maintain large networks of high-powered web server computers in physical locations called data centers. These computer servers are connected to a very fast and generally redundant Internet connection. The data center has main and backup power, fast connection to the Internet, and security monitoring staff.

Web hosting companies provide some of the available disk space and bandwidth to customers by paying a monthly fee. Once customers register, they can upload files to their personal space on the web server and the information can be viewed by anyone interested on the Internet. The monthly fee charged by a web hosting company is much cheaper than the cost of running a server in-house or your own data center. This is the reason why these companies exist. They take care of all your hardware, software, and other technical needs for you.

Types of web hosting

There are many different types of web hosting offerings, but the main three are shared hosting, reseller hosting, and dedicated hosting. Each type of hosting has a different purpose.

Shared Web Hosting

Shared web hosting is the most popular form of hosting. Shared hosting is a portion of the disk space and bandwidth provided by a web hosting company on a high-powered server. There are many other websites hosted on these servers, and hosting companies likely have some of these servers in large data centers. Server resources are shared by as many other websites allocated to that computer as possible.

Shared web hosting is the best form of hosting if you're looking for a good price and don't have more than a few thousand daily visitors to your site.

Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller web hosting is a popular and inexpensive solution for starting your own web hosting business. There are two types of reseller hosting, private-label and reseller of services.

Private-label is the best type of reseller plan because it allows you to maintain complete control over your customer's website. Private-label plans allow resellers to maintain full monthly payments from web-hosting customers, but resellers must pay monthly fees to larger hosting companies for reseller space. The more hosting accounts a private-label reseller can sell, the higher the profit will be for them. Private-label Hosting allows you to host many more websites than if you were using shared hosting for each site. This is a great solution for someone who has multiple sites that need to be hosted in one location to save money.

Reseller of services plans resell regular web hosting plans from larger web hosting companies, but you get a discounted price for providing the customer and get a monthly fee for as long as they remain a customer. This plan does not allow control

Disk Space / Storage Space

Disk space is the amount of physical storage space given by a web hosting provider to store your web files. Today, hosting companies have plans with disk space sizes that are mostly measured in gigabytes, but some still offer plans in megabytes for storage space. Depending on your need for file storage space, you may need more or less. Generally, the more disk space offered, the better.

Bandwidth / Data Transfer

The amount of bandwidth available can make a big difference in choosing a quality hosting plan. In general, the more bandwidth a hosting company provides, the better. This means you can support more traffic to your website as your business grows. Be wary of web hosting companies that offer unlimited or unmeasured bandwidth. Although many of them are legitimate offers, there are some that sell their bandwidth in the hope that the average user will not use it much.

Customer Support

In any business, it is very important to provide exceptional customer service. Web hosting is no exception to this. Many hosting companies are available all day and night if you have problems with your website, but there are some that are only available in certain hours. If your website is down in the middle of the night when they are not available, this means lost revenue for the business. You should make sure that the web host provider you choose is always available to support.

Money Back Guarantee

Most web hosting companies will provide a thirty-day money-back guarantee. Some may provide longer warranties, but beware of those that do not offer a Money-Back Guarantee. I wouldn't buy a web hosting service from a company that doesn't offer at least a 30-day money-back guarantee, unless they have proven themselves to be a leader in the industry and have an excellent reputation.

Operating System

An operating system is software that controls the interaction between a computer user and the physical hardware of a machine. Most websites on the Internet run on the Linux operating system. Linux is generally much more stable than Windows. Stability is very important in running a website. Therefore, I prefer to host my website on a Linux operating system. Some sites have specific requirements that can only be met by the Windows operating system, but there are always alternatives to those requirements.


A good web hosting company will have a regular schedule for backing up data on all web servers. The more often the data is backed up, the better. At the very least, web hosting companies should back up website files on a daily basis.

Control Panel

The control Panel is the point of contact between the website administrator and the host server connected via the Internet. It is very important to have a well-organized and easy-to-use Control panel interface. My favorite Control Panel is cPanel, which is one of the leading web hosting control panels today. Plesk is also a good control panel, and many companies will create custom control panels for you to use. Most web hosting companies will provide a link to a demo of the control panel they use with their hosting plan. The control Panel used is a matter of preference, but it should be easy for the user to use.


Email is an important part of communication on the Internet. Most web hosting companies will give you more Email addresses and more space to store email messages than you need. What you need to pay attention to are companies that limit their email accounts and only offer a limited amount or message Space.

Active Time

Uptime is a term used to describe how often the average website hosted by a company is available online. No company should be able to provide 100% exact uptime. This is not possible due to problems such as hardware, software malfunctions and power outages. Most companies are very good at maintaining uptime, and they provide guarantees regarding this. However, it is still wise to pay attention to the uptime posted by the company. If the uptime is not at least 99.5%, it may not be worth hosting with that company.


As a webmaster, it's nice to know how many visitors you have, where they come from, how long they stay on your site, and how much bandwidth they use. This information is collected by the web server and placed in a log file. Statistical software packages can read this data and provide meaningful information to webmasters. The information gathered from these logs can be invaluable in improving the service to the website audience.

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